Our Favourite Self Helpful Reads

We all need a little help & support sometimes, as it can be pretty easy to feel overwhelmed & lost. There’s only so much ‘you’ll be okay” we can hear from our friends.

Why not go old school & pick up a book. Those smart people who have lived the hard stuff & wrote about it! Brilliant!!

So what books do we pull out when we need a little inspiration?

We tend to favour the ‘mindfulness’ books rather than any self help guides. While they may seem same-same there is one huge difference.


Why mindfulness over Self Help?

​In my experience Self Help Books are all about being positive. Keep putting positive vibes out there & you’ll get the results you want.

Like your own personal coach and motivator before the big race.. “Keep going! You can do it! Can you give a bit more?!!”

Fantastic for the short term goal of completing the race but what about the long term life after the race? Doing more & thinking happy thoughts doesn’t really help.

Mindfulness doesn’t just ask you to be positive all the time. What if we received the bad stuff as easily as we received the good? Strange concept right?

We never try to change a storm when it hits but why do we think we can change our feelings?

We’ve asked our teachers for their suggestions. Let us know if you have your own, we’d love to read them!


Wherever you go, There you areJon Kabat-Zinn

The Joy of Living: Unlocking the Secret & Science of HappinessYongey Mingyur

The Now Effect: How a Mindful Moment Can Change Your LifeElisha Goldstein

Just one Thing: Developing a Buddha Brain One Simple Practice at a TimeRick Hanson

The Wisdom of Yoga: A Seeker’s Guide to Extraordinary LivingStephen Cope

The Power of Now: A Guide to Spiritual EnlightenmentEckhart Tolle


Jim Carrey Inspires


Zach’s Batch 52 Bone Broth